About Us
Our Story &
Our Process
Kountry Krunchin's Kettle Korn was founded over 20 years ago when Tom and Deb Weiland of Penfield decided to get into the popcorn business. They had two kids and would incorporate their children into helping them make and sell popcorn every single week.
They went to places like Rogers flea market where we still are today every Friday from May-November. They also set up weekly at Jamie's flea market in Amherst along with many longstanding craft shows (Gazebo show and Harvest of the Arts) in Wellington. These are just a few of the places that Tom and Deb served over the many years they had the Kettle Korn company.
In 2012 Matt and Kristen were told by Matts father that he was done with doing popcorn and was going to retire it. Matt and Kristen had a decision to make and it was very clear to them that they loved this business and they wanted to grow their legacy into something that their children and their grandchildren hopefully one day can be proud of and run.
In the spring of 2012 the Weilands started booking events and pursuing their dreams with the Kettle Korn business. They continued to find different events to be a part of and grow the business. In 2014 they decided to add gourmet Bavarian nuts to the business and are able to offer those at shows and for private purchase.
In 2016 they began doing fundraisers for schools and continue to grow that base along with our retails sales. The Weiland family anticipates investing more into the growth of their family business for generations to come.